Friday, May 6, 2011

A New Life...

Yes, I have a new life. It's a lot like my old one, except in this life, I am now unemployed.  Don't cry for me, Argentina.  The truth is I chose to be unemployed.  I came back from my trip, got sick, but finally went back to work. After just a few short days of complete asshattery, I decided I was done.  I told the folks at the ol' toxic waste dump exactly what they could do with their "job".  Ok, so I didn't work at a dump.  It was actually a nice office, but for the size of my company just the most unprofessional and unorganized place you could imagine.   Of course, after the high of quitting died, the panic of no job arose.  We ran some numbers and lo and behold, we can survive just fine off of Tugboat's income.  "Stay home" he said.  So I am.  I am officially a housewife.  Yippee!!  I'm finally freeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Except this nasty double ear infection that I picked up during my travels is keeping me from truly enjoying my new found freedom.  It's hard to be free when all you can do is sleep.  I can't wait for the fog to lift so I can get back to writing, blogging, and doing all the things around my house that I've always wanted to do!!  I may end up taking up something part time to have some fun money later on.  Maybe a bookstore...

So, I'd like to thank y'all for sticking around.  I'll be catching up with your blogs shortly...I've definitely missed you!  Have a great weekend!


  1. Cheers to your new life!! I see frozen yogurt in your near future!

  2. Congrats on your freedom! Down with asshattery!

  3. Congratulations!!! Being a housewife is very fulfilling indeed. I hope you enjoy it!

    I'm also contacting you about my impending blog tour for ELEMENTAL that you said you might be interested in participating in. Would you please email me at emilywhite_1112(at)yahoo(dot)com so we can pick out a date and go through some ideas? Thanks!!
